Seek and You shall Find

Seek and You shall Find
There is only one way to Heaven

Jesus Can Talk

Man did not CREATE GOD and it is absurb to think that it is God who was made speechless because of the Tower of Babel or even because of Adam and Eve's interaction with the serpent JESUS can Talk and You will hear his voice if you care to open yourself to HIM and The Holy Spirit bestowed upon you for the asking
The bridge To Heaven is one I built in Mansfield Quebec Canada It is the trailer of a logging truck with a bunch of photos and replicas of several angels and saints All in all it is meant to reflect The Body of Christ and The Communion of Saints This 48 foot trailer is symbolic of the True Bridge to Heaven which completes "The raison d’ĂȘtre " of all scriptures and The Holy Bible which we know as THE LIVING WORD OF GOD ~ABA~ Mary -Jesus- Joseph- OUR BRIDGE TO HEAVEN